Facelift Surgery Sydney with Dr Kernohan
A facelift, also known as meloplasty or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes excess loose skin on the face and neck. Facial muscles may also be surgically tightened to further alter the appearance. Excess fat may also be removed or repositioned as part of the surgery.
Dr Michael Kernohan is a specialist plastic surgeon operating in Southwest Sydney. Find out more about what a facelift procedure involves, the range of recovery time, the benefits and risks of surgery.
Click to Download Dr Michael Kernohan’s Facelift Surgery Guide

Benefits of a Facelift
The potenial benefits of a facelift include, but are not limited to:
- Reduction of Excess Skin: Tightens and lifts excess skin on the face and neck. Helping reduce the effects of the ageing process
- Skin Texture: Diminishes the appearance of deep creases and wrinkles.
- Jawline Contour: Removing excess skin can help show the definition of the jawline and reduces jowls.
- Facial Harmony: Can help balance the face and improve facial proportions.
- Long-Lasting Results: Facelift results are typically long-lasting, although nothing stops the ageing process.
These benefits can vary depending on individual factors and should be discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon to ensure realistic expectations.
A facelift may also be performed in conjunction with other surgical procedures such as brow lift, eyelid surgery or nose reconstruction.
Is a Facelift right for me?
Facelift surgery is a highly customised procedure and may not be suitable for everyone. Dr Kernohan will assess your face, medical history, general health and plan the treatment that is best suited to you.
Facelift surgery may be a good option for you if you:
- Have deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
- Have facial fat that has been effected by gravity
- Have loss definition in the lower face
- You have loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw
- You are physically healthy and you do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase risk of surgery
- You have realistic expectations of what surgery can accomplish
- You are a non-smoker or are willing to quit both before and after surgery
Facelift surgery may not be a good option for you if you are:
- Not able to have a general anaesthetic
- Prone to bleeding tendencies or have poor healing ability
- Too high a risk of having surgical complications e.g. a smoker who is at increased risk of complications. If you are serious about undergoing surgery, you should quit smoking
- While a facelift should alter your appearance, it will not raise eyebrow ptosis, remove deep frown lines in the forehead, change your upper or lower eyelids, or get rid of wrinkles around the mouth. Other forms of surgical treatment concentrate on these areas such as brow lifts and eyelid surgery.
Your Facelift consultation with Dr Kernohan Plastic Surgeon
Ensure your consultation is with an accredited plastic surgeon who is registered with AHPRA as a specialist in plastic surgery. Dr Kernohan will ask you about your general health and examine you as required.
If, after careful assessment, you are deemed suitable for facelift surgery expect to discuss the steps of surgery, principles of the operation, likely outcomes and potential risks of surgery.
You may have more than one consultation. It is difficult to take on board all the information at just one consultation, and it is important that you have time to think about the information you have heard and a chance to ask any questions.
Key points to discuss at the consultation include:
- Your expectations and the expected outcomes of surgery
- The potential benefits of the surgery
- Any concerns about surgery risks, complications or limitations – please see below.
Before your facelift surgery
Most patients are assessed by the anaesthetic team. This assessment may include:
- Assessing your general health and fitness before surgery by carrying out various tests and investigations. These may include blood tests and if indicated an ECG (electrocardiogram – heart tracing) and chest x-ray.
- Photographs will be taken to provide a record for your notes to allow a comparison before and after surgery
- Discussing your current medication, any allergies you may have and information on your planned treatment and hospital services
It is important that you are satisfied that you have been given all the information you need and that you fully understand the risks and benefits of your surgery before you sign your consent form.
You can change your mind at any time before surgery.
The Facelift operation
Facelift surgery is mostly preformed whilst you are under general anaesthetic. The operation takes approximately three hours to complete.
You are fully anaesthetised for this procedure. Incisions are made around your ear and often extend into the hairline area of your scalp both behind and above your ears.
Normally they are inconspicuous once fully healed. The aim of the procedure is to tighten the excess tissues under the skin then re-drape the skin without leaving a tight or pulled look.
Small drains are sometimes used and are removed the following day. For the first 2 days you have some padding around your face held on with a specially fitted garment. You need to keep the wounds dry over the first 2 days but a hair wash with baby shampoo or similar on the 3rd day is usually ok. This is often easier to do in the bath but you may need some help from someone close to you. Swelling is to be expected and peaks at 48 hours, bruising is also to be expected particularly on the neck skin. It typically takes 10-14 days to dissipate but it can be concealed under a scarf.
Recovery after Facelift Surgery
Most patients will be awake within half an hour of the operation finishing. Pain is well controlled with medication although you can expect to feel some discomfort. Most patients will stay in hospital overnight for observation before being sent home.
Expect to have a quiet time at home for the first week with no heavy lifting or strenuous work. It is advisable to take around two weeks off work. During the first week you will need support with shopping, housework and care of small children and pets.
You will not be able to drive for at least the first week, and possibly into the second, and then only for short journeys.
You will need to see your surgical team 7-10 days after surgery, and you should ensure you are able to see them regularly for the first few weeks, as it is common to need some regular dressings on the wounds during this time. Once all the wounds are healed it is likely the surgeon will want to see you at about three to six months after your surgery.
How much is a Facelift Surgery in Sydney?
If you are concidering undergoing facelift surgery in Sydney, expect to pay $20,000 to $50,000 for a SMAS Facelift & Necklift. Discuss what is the suitable procedure for your particular case with the plastic surgeon.
Check out the prices and fees page for more information. Or contact Dr Kernohan’s team to set up a consultation.
How to find the right Facelift surgeon in Sydney?
Choosing the plastic surgeon to perform your surgery is one of the most important steps to ensure the success of your procedure. An experienced, qualified plastic surgeon can help you achieve the results you desire and reduce the likelihood of risks and complications occurring, both during surgery and the recovery period.
Make sure to take your time in choosing the plastic surgeon for your facelift surgery in Sydney. The plastic surgeon should be someone you can connect with and speak freely and honestly about your goals and expectations.