Lower Body Lift Surgery NSW

Lower Body Lift Surgery in Sydney with Dr Kernohan 

Lower Body Lift Surgery with Dr Kernohan can help remove excess skin from the lower body.

Every individual has a different level of skin elasticity, for some people, their skin bounces back to shape while others have to deal with lots of excess skin, especially around the tummy and lower back area. The lower body lift includes the removal of the skin that is in excess, but also stubborn fatty tissue in the lower abdominal area. It may also contour and tighten the thighs, buttocks, and flanks. 

Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Michael Kernohan, regularly performs post-weight loss surgery and can help you achieve your aesthetic goals through lower body lift surgery. Dr Kernohan performs Lower Body Lift Surgery in Sydney Southwest Suburbs and the Southern Highlands NSW.

Download Dr Michael Kernohan Excess Skin Reduction Guide

Guide Excess Skin Reduction

What is a Lower Body Lift?

A lower body lift is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin from the level of the abdomen, pubic area, flanks, lateral thighs, and buttocks. The procedure involves removal of skin, re-draping and resuspension of your body’s tissue to give create a more toned appearance. 

Benefits of Lower Body Lift Surgery Sydney  

Some potential benefits of lower body lift surgery include but are not limited to: 

  • The lower body lift helps improve skin irritation and chaffing that is caused by excess skin
  • The results of a body lift are long-lasting, provided that you maintain a stable weight

Lower Body Lift Surgery Before and After Photos

You can see photos of patients who have had lower body lift surgery done when you visit Dr Kernohan’s clinic.

Preparing for a Lower Body Lift Surgery

Every cosmetic surgery begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Dr Kernohan will help you understand the surgery in detail, inform you about the potential risks and ensure that you are the right candidate for the procedure. 

  • It is advised to have a healthy and balanced diet prior to the surgery so your health is in an optimal condition
  • Avoid drinking or smoking for a month prior to the surgery as it can hinder the healing process
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, and supplements
  • Get the pre surgery medical testing done as advised by Dr Kernohan 

Lower Body Lift Surgery 

The lower body lift is an extensive surgical procedure that takes hours to complete. The surgery itself can look different for different people but here are some general steps that Dr Kernohan follows during the procedure. 

On the day of the surgery, Dr Kernohan will have a final look at your lab tests as well as your medical history. You might be given a blood thinning agent to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Then, Dr Kernohan will make surgical markings on the skin that needs to be excised. You will be then taken into the operating room where you will be given anaesthesia. 

The next step involves the excision of excess skin (close attention is paid to reduce blood loss). Once the excess skin is removed, Dr Kernohan might drape the skin in a specific way and use drains to remove excess fluid. Then, the incisions will be sutured with the help of surgical staples, followed by dressings. 

Once the surgery is done, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be monitored for up to 24 hours.

Lower Body Lift Recovery Time and Aftercare 

You need to prepare ahead of time for optimal recovery. When it comes to the recovery timeline, you need to take a minimum of two to four weeks off of work, restrict normal activities for 4-6 weeks, and wait for 6-8 weeks before resuming exercise.

It is very important to arrange for someone to drive you home once you are discharged from the hospital. You also need to have some help around the house to assist you in the first few days of recovery. 

As the surgery affects your mobility during the recovery phase, have supplies- food, water, clothes, medications and anything you need- nearby. Organise your support team at home.

Stay clear of all sorts of strenuous activities until your surgeon approves. However, it is important to gently walk around the house to prevent the formation of blood clots.

After surgery – do not take blood thinners, herbal supplements, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes as they can have a negative impact on the healing. Wear compression garments at all times. Take care of your incisions and avoid getting them wet. 

Make sure to attend follow up appointments to ensure you are healing at the right rate. 

“During the recovery period it’s important to avoid all activities that could potentially lead to the rupture of the sutures. Don’t lift heavy objects, avoid vigorous body movements and even coughing, sneezing and laughing too hard. After the incisions are healed, you can resume normal activities.”

Dr Michael Kernohan – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Watch Dr Kernohan Explains How do One get Rid of Excess Skin After Weight Loss
Watch Dr Kernohan Explains How do One get Rid of Excess Skin After Weight Loss

Lower Body Lift Results

The recovery from lower body lift is an important part of the process and you need to take utmost care of yourself during this phase. The scar from the procedure is placed very low on the abdomen, runs higher towards the thighs/hips, and continues along the lower back, just above the buttock. Dr Kernohan will place the scars to be less visible and preserve the aesthetic appeal. You will notice the difference in lower body lift scars after a year as they slowly start to fade away. You can also discuss scar treatment options with your surgeon once you are fully healed. 

You will be able to see the final results of the procedure within 6 to 12 months. The results are regarded as permanent unless you gain excessive weight. 

Potential Risks & Complications Associated with Lower Body Lift Surgery

Any surgical procedure is associated with certain risks and potential complications and the lower body lift surgery is no different. Because it is a complex intervention, you should follow Dr Kernohan’s recommendations for post-operative care to reduce the risks and make the most out of your surgery. You surgical result can be ruined by smoking causing infection and would breakdown. Please don’t smoke.

Check plastic surgery risks page for more details.

How much is Lower Body Lift Surgery in Sydney?

Expect to pay around $20,000 to $35,000 for a Lower Body Lift Surgery in Sydney. The costs of the procedure vary depending on the different procedures that are included and other factors.

Learn more about plastic surgery fees on Dr Kernohan’s pricing page.

Alternatively, you can contact Dr Kernohan’s team for a price estimate or to set up an appointment today.

Funding Your Lower Body Lift Surgery

will Medicare Cover Lower Body Lift Surgery Dr Kernohan Sydney

In some cases, you might get Medicare or your health insurance to cover part of the surgery. Find out more details about Medicare item numbers for Lower Body Lift Surgery and Lipectomy after Massive Weight Loss.

Read more about a lower body lift payment options.

How to Find the Best Lower Body Lift Surgeon in Sydney

Choosing the right surgeon is critical when undergoing plastic surgery. Here are a few tips that can help:

  • Have a close look at the credentials and experience of the surgeon – look for a specialist plastic surgeon
  • Make sure that the surgeon performs lower body lift surgery as one of their procedures for post-weight loss patients 
  • Look for before and after photographs of past patient results
  • Go to consultation and make sure the surgeon answers all your questions and you feel completely comfortable
Lower Body Lift Surgery FAQs

Lower Body Lift Surgery FAQs

Here is a list of frequently asked questions about lower body lift: