Breast Asymmetry Correction NSW

Uneven Breast Surgery by Dr Kernohan in Sydney 

Many women experience breast asymmetry during their teenage years. An asymmetry in breast size of about 15 to 20% is very common post-adolescence years too. However, this asymmetry is often not very noticeable. If there is a significant difference in terms of the size of the breasts, a breast asymmetry correction surgery could be indicated.

Breast Asymmetry surgery for uneven or asymmetrical breasts and/or nipple position is a common, yet complex procedure that requires the expertise of a skilled and highly experienced surgeon. 

Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Michael Kernohan is a breast surgery expert in Sydney, Australia, and can help with breast asymmetry correction using a variety of different techniques.

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Guide Cosmetic Breast Surgery

What is Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery?

Breast asymmetry correction surgery is a more permanent solution for the problem of uneven breasts. It involves the reduction or enlargement of one or both breasts using surgery, implants or fat transfer. The procedure is highly customisable and the techniques can be tailored to your needs. 

Types of Breast Asymmetries that Can Be Corrected with Surgery 

1. Breast Asymmetry

If your breasts are different in terms of shape, volume, and breast crease position, this might be the surgical solution for you.

2. Nipple/ Areola Complex Asymmetry

Your breast don’t have the same size, height, shape of the nipple/ areola complex. 

3. Chest Wall Issues

You may have a congenital condition like polands syndrome or a concave or convex chest wall that leads to uneven breasts. 

Benefits of Asymmetric Breast Correction Surgery

Advantages of correcting uneven breasts can include

1. Psychological Advantages

A study done by Brian Labow in 2018 in Boston Children’s Hospital highlighted the importance of surgery in young women with uneven breasts. The surgery showed that the surgical correction lead to “significant improvements in self-esteem, social functioning, and emotional roles, as well as in overall mental health”. 

2. More Permanent Results 

The results of the procedure are permanent and can last a lifetime. 

Uneven Breast Surgery Photo Gallery

Taking a look at before and after pictures of breast asymmetry surgery patients can show the experience of a specific surgeon. You can see Dr Kernohan’s work during your consultation

What to Expect from Breast Asymmetry Correction?

During your consultation, Dr Kernohan will discuss many variables that impact your procedure. It includes age, size, the shape of breasts, and your skin condition. Dr Kernohan will also discuss where your nipple and areola will be moved. It needs to be approximately even with the crease under your breasts. 

Each patient has a different desired shape and size and the surgery is custom-tailored to suit your needs. 

The surgery is generally performed using general anaesthesia so you feel comfortable throughout the procedure. On average, it takes around 2 to 3 hours but the surgery can take longer depending on the technique used. 

Your surgery might involve one or a combination of all these procedures: breast implant, breast reduction, and breast lift. Breast asymmetry surgery will essentially make your breasts even.

Most patients will be asked to stay in the hospital overnight to ensure everything is fine. You will be handed a list of instructions to follow at home. Make sure to stick to the instructions to ensure optimal healing. 

Recovery Post Breast Asymmetry Surgery 

Regardless of the type of technique used in the surgery – reduction, enlargement, and lift, you might experience some pain and discomfort for the first few days of the recovery period. The pain can become more persistent when you move around, cough or put some kind of strain on your body. You will be prescribed pain relief medication. Make sure to take time to rest for your own comfort. 

Try not to get your incisions wet for the first few days post-surgery. Your surgical tape will be removed and replaced (if needed) after a week. It is best to wear a compression bra 24/7 for the first four to six weeks post-surgery to help with swelling and bruising. In most cases, absorbable sutures are used which don’t need to be removed. 

You might experience random pain for the upcoming few months. Stay clear of any sexual activities for a week. Avoid strenuous exercises for at least 4 to 8 weeks post-op. Essentially, anything that puts a strain on your incisions needs to be avoided. Your breasts will typically take six months to heal. Hormonal shifts, weight changes, and pregnancy can affect the look of your breasts. 

Sleep on your back with your head in a slightly elevated position. Avoid sleeping on your sides or stomach as it puts immense pressure on the incisions. Stay clear of blood-thinning medications, smoking, and alcohol as they hinder the healing process. 

Have a healthy and nutrient rich diet while drinking lots of water. Aim at walking for a few minutes each day to prevent the formation of blood clots. Avoid long baths, swimming pools and saunas during the recovery as they can lead to infections.

Make sure to attend all your follow up appointments to ensure the recovery process is going smoothly.

Risks and Complications of Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery 

Possible risks and complications associated with breast procedure include:

  • Bleeding
  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Infection
  • Haematoma
  • Poor scarring
  • Persistent pain
  • Changes in breast/ nipple sensation
  • Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
  • Seroma
  • Development of tight scar tissue around the implant
  • Implant rupture/ leakage
  • Possibility of having to undergo a revision surgery

Find out more details in Dr Kernohan’s risks of plastic surgery page.

Breast Asymmetry Cost Sydney – How Much is Breast Asymmetry Surgery in Sydney?

Breast Asymmetry Cost Sydney - How Much is Breast Asymmetry Surgery in Sydney Dr Kernohan

The costs of Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery in Sydney depends on various factors such as:

  • Surgeon’s reputation, level of expertise, qualifications
  • What is included in the surgical quote or price estimate
  • Where is surgery performed
  • Whether surgery is a medically-indicated or a cosmetic procedure
  • The complexity of the case

Breast procedures performed by a skilled specialist plastic surgeon start around $13,000 and may go up to $17,000 or even higher. Learn more about the prices of breast asymmetry correction surgery on Dr Kernohan’s pricing page

To get an exact quote for the surgery, you have to come in for an initial consultation. It is difficult to give you an exact quote without assessing your individual condition. The cost will cover all treatment, appointments and re-admissions or revisions, should that be necessary. 

Your consultation will be very in-depth, often including a 3D imaging assessment and simulation of the outcome, and involve tips for the preparation for the day itself. Contact Dr Kernohan’s team now for an estimate of your breast asymmetry surgery costs or to schedule an appointment.

Video: What happens in breast reconstruction surgery?


Funding Your Uneven Breast Correction Surgery

Medicare and Health insurance providers do not cover the costs of surgery for cosmetic purposes. They may provide coverage if the surgery is performed for reconstructive and medically-necessary purposes such as implants after breast cancer removal surgery. There is also a subsidy for uneven Tuberous Breasts that may apply. Find out more details about Medicare item numbers here.

To fund your asymmetry surgery, you can use a breast surgery payment plan or medical financing option that are available from independent finance companies.  

How to Find the Right Breast Surgeon in Sydney

Experience, talent and professionalism are just some of the factors that you need to keep in mind when looking for the best plastic surgeon to play out your breast surgery.

As a specialist plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr Michael Kernohan is known for detailed planning and in-depth experience.

His surgical experience, combined with a strong desire to help patients are the main reasons behind Dr Kernohan’s outstanding reputation. Considering that he values knowledge, Dr Kernohan aims to educate his patients about every aspect of the procedure they want to undergo.

Dr Kernohan is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Breast Asymmetry Surgery FAQs

Breast Asymmetry Surgery FAQs

Here is a list of frequently asked questions we get regarding breast asymmetry surgery: 

How do I even out my breast asymmetry?

  • The best way to even out a breast asymmetry is to opt for breast asymmetry correction surgery. 

Is breast asymmetry permanent?

  • If you have uneven breasts during your teen years, the problem may resolve itself as you reach the age of 21. If breast asymmetry persists after that age it is most likely permanent unless corrected with breast surgery.

What causes breast asymmetry?

  • There are multiple causes of breast asymmetry. The condition might be linked to breastfeeding, a developmental problem, hormonal problem, an unknown genetic syndrome, or pregnancy issues. 

Can you get a breast augmentation on just one breast?

  • Yes, you can get a breast augmentation on just one breast. In fact, it is one of the most popular techniques used for asymmetrical breasts. However, Dr Kernohan might recommend getting implants of different sizes on both breasts.

What exercises can I do to even out my breast size?

  • Unfortunately, exercises won’t be of much help when it comes to evening out breast size. Surgery may help.

Why is my left breast bigger than my right?

  • Some individuals naturally have asymmetrical breasts. It is more common than you think. In some cases, the variation in breast size can be attributed to breastfeeding, a developmental problem, hormonal problem, an unknown syndrome, or pregnancy.

How much does it cost to make your breasts the same size?

  • The cost varies depending on the technique used to even out your breasts, the experience and expertise of the surgeon and your location. For details, visit Dr Kernohan’s price page

Will I be in pain post the surgery?

  • Expect to feel some pain and discomfort post the surgery. Although you will be prescribed pain killers, there will be a certain degree of discomfort involved for the first week or so. 

How long will it take me to recover?

  • You will begin to feel like yourself within the first two days post-surgery. However, complete recovery can take months depending on the techniques involved. 

Further Reading and Medical Sources