Small-Volume Breast Augmentation Sydney

Breast Augmentation with Smaller Breast Implants by Dr Kernohan

A small-volume breast augmentation or Slimplants might be the right option for you because it uses smaller implants – usually around 100 ml to 250 ml.

Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Michael Kernohan can help with small-volume breast augmentation using smaller breast implants, fat transfer or both in Sydney.

Download Dr Michael Kernohan’s Breast Augmentation Guide

Guide Breast Augmentation

Benefits of a Small-Volume Breast Augmentation

The use of smaller implants can give the following potential benefits:

  • It doesn’t alter your activities or daily life after recovery
  • The recovery is not as intensive as a regular breast augmentation
  • It suits the athletic or physically active lifestyle

The Small-Volume Breast Augmentation Procedure

A small-volume breast augmentation is similar to a regular breast augmentation procedure. However, this procedure makes use of smaller implants and therefore shorter incisions than that of a standard breast augmentation.

Prior to the surgery, Dr Kernohan will assess your general health and expectations to create a customised treatment plan specific to your needs. In addition, the risks of the surgery, care instructions, and other important information will also be discussed with you during the consultation.

During the procedure, you will be placed under general anaesthesia. Once the anaesthesia has taken effect, Dr Kernohan will make a small incision in your breast. The implant will be then inserted into the breast pocket. The location of the breast implant will depend on several factors such as your body anatomy and type of implant you choose.

Dr Kernohan will then make necessary adjustments until the desired breast appearance is achieved. Finally, he will close the incisions using sutures and will cover them with sterile gauze.

Breast Augmentation Photo Gallery

You can see Dr Kernohan’s past patient before and after photos during your consultation.

Ideal Candidate for Small-Volume Breast Augmentation

A Small-Volume breast augmentation may be right for you if:

  • You have realistic expectations as to what surgery can achieve
  • You are willing to follow aftercare instructions
  • You want to increase your breast size but not in a way that looks disproportionate
  • You have a smaller body frame and are considering a breast augmentation
  • You are living an athletic or physically active lifestyle and don’t want your breast implants to affect your daily activities

On the other hand, small-volume breast augmentation might NOT be the ideal procedure for you if:

  • You have bleeding or clotting disorders
  • You have unrealistic expectations or goals
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have breast cancer or have an abnormal mammogram
  • You have an active infection

What to Expect after a Small-Volume Breast Augmentation

After the procedure, you might experience the following:

  • Soreness and swelling are likely to last for a few weeks
  • Surgical drains will be placed in your breasts to prevent the build-up of blood and body fluids
  • The breast scars will fade over time but they will not disappear completely
  • You will likely experience decreased breast sensation due to swelling
  • You will need to avoid placing any pressure or tension on your breasts
  • Please avoid smoking, vaping and drinking alcoholic beverages
  • You will need to avoid strenuous activities, especially those that require heavy lifting
  • Take your pain and anti-inflammatory medications on time (even during the night)
  • You will need to wear a compression bandage or sports bra after surgery

Risks and Complications of a small-volume Breast Augmentation

Like any surgery, small-volume breast augmentation also has risks. These risks will be discussed with Dr Kernohan during your consultation and can include the following:

  • Accumulation of fluid
  • Anaesthesia risks such as allergic reaction, breathing difficulty, and itching
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Breast infection
  • Breast pain
  • Breastfeeding problems
  • Breasts that appear to merge
  • Capsular contracture (scarring around the implant)
  • Changes in breast sensation
  • Changes in the appearance of your nipple
  • Implant is seen or felt through the skin
  • Implant leakage or breakage
  • Incorrect position of the implant
  • Skin wrinkling over the implant
  • Undesired or poor cosmetic results
  • Unwanted scarring

Find out more about the potential risks and complications of surgery.

Recovery after a small volume Breast Augmentation

After the procedure, you might be advised to stay for 24-48 hours in the hospital or medical facility for observation. Once your condition is stable, you will be allowed to go home and will be provided with aftercare instructions. You will need a responsible person / driver to pick you up and take you home.

As you recover at home, you will need to wear compression garments to support your healing breasts. After 1-2 weeks, you can gradually resume your daily activities. However, you will need to avoid strenuous exercises and other activities that require heavy lifting to prevent complications. After 2-3 weeks, you should expect bruising and swelling to begin to resolve.

How much is a Small-Volume Breast Augmentation in Sydney?

Mini Breast Augmentation  Cost in Sydney

The costs of a breast augmentation in Sydney depends on various factors such as:

  • Your Surgeon’s reputation, level of experience, qualifications
  • What is being included in the surgical quote or price estimate
  • Where is surgery performed – a hospital or day surgery clinic
  • Whether surgery is medically-indicated or cosmetic procedure
  • The complexity of the case

Low-cost breast augmentation procedures in Sydney range from $6000 to $9,000 while mid-range implant surgeries are $9,000 to $13,000+. Learn more about the prices of breast enlargement on Dr Kernohan’s pricing page.

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Further reading about Breast Procedures