Rhinoplasty Surgery – Nose Reshaping in Sydney by Dr Kernohan
Patients seeking rhinoplasty often have several cosmetic or functional concerns.
Dr Michael Kernohan is a specialist plastic surgeon in Sydney. Find out more about rhinoplasty surgery and what to expect before and after the surgery. Learn what the treatment involves, including the recovery time, what potential benefits it may have and what risks there are.
PLEASE NOTE – Dr Kernohan does NOT perform Secondary Rhinoplasty or Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery on other Surgeon’s patients.
Download Dr Michael Kernohan’s Rhinoplasty Guide

What is a Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of your nose by altering the bone or cartilage.
Dr Michael Kernohan is a specialist plastic surgeon in Sydney’s Southwest. He is a caring and empathetic surgeon who performs Rhinoplasty, facial surgery, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery procedures.
Why consider Rhinoplasty surgery?
The nose is a prominent part of the face. Typical concerns that lead patients to consider treatment include:
- Appearance concerns following trauma
- Breathing difficulties
- A hump on the nose in the side profile
- Problems with the tip – boxy, drooping etc
Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery
People have different reasons for getting the procedure; a broken nose, after an accident, to correct breathing issues, to fix a birth defect, or others.
There are many potential benefits of nose surgery. Some of the benefits include:
Better Sleep
Restricted airflow is a problem in its own right. If you snore a little too often while sleeping, you might be dealing with constricted airflow.
Helps with Sinus Pressure
Many of us are familiar with the plugged up, claustrophobic feeling of blocked sinuses. Rhinoplasty can help with the issues associated with a deviated septum that allows your sinuses to drain easily.
Customised Results
Rhinoplasty is a highly customisable procedure. No one type of nose fits everyone and the surgeon will help you choose the right nose shape for you.
Preparing for Rhinoplasty Surgery
Most patients are assessed by the anaesthetic team. This assessment may include:
- Assessing your general health and fitness before surgery by carrying out various tests and investigations. These may include blood tests and if indicated an ECG (electrocardiogram – heart tracing) and chest x-ray.
- Photographs will provide a record for your notes to allow a comparison of your nose before and after surgery
- Discussing your current medication, any allergies you may have and information on your planned treatment and hospital services
It is important that you are completely satisfied that you have been given all the information you need and that you fully understand the risks and benefits of your surgery before you sign your consent form.
About the Rhinoplasty Procedure
The Rhinoplasty procedure usually takes two to three hours to complete and is most commonly undertaken under a general anaesthetic.
Techniques for Rhinoplasty vary, but the most common technique involves an incision across the columella between the nostrils for open nose surgery. In addition small 2-3mm incisions are made through the skin at the side of the nose to facilitate adjustment of the bones underneath.
The skin is dissected off the cartilages and bones that support the nose and the cartilages are separated. The septum of the nose is often adjusted and straightened as much as possible. The bones are reduced and cartilages adjusted to attempt to control the shape of the nose as it heals.
Reasons for having a Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can help you with:
- Getting rid of the hump on the nose
- Straightening the nose bridge
- Reshaping the tip of the nose
- Increasing/decreasing the size of nostrils
- Opening up the breathing passages
- Making the nose smaller
Nose Surgery can be performed for both aesthetic and medical reasons based on the requirement of each individual. Some might undergo surgery for aesthetic issues while others might need one to alleviate breathing problems.
During the Rhinoplasty Procedure
A rhinoplasty procedure may be performed in either a hospital setting or a surgical facility. The surgery will be performed under local or general anesthesia. If your nose surgery is relatively straightforward, it may be done under local anesthesia which will numb your face. You might be given medication via an IV that can make you groggy.
If general anesthesia is used, you will be completely unconscious throughout the procedure. Once you are numb or unconscious, the surgeon will make cuts between/inside your nose. Then, they separate your skin from bone or cartilage and then start reshaping your nose based on your unique needs.
If your nose requires additional cartilage, Dr Kernohan will remove the cartilage from the ear or the nose. The procedure can take anywhere from one to three hours depending on the complexity.
Recovery after Rhinoplasty
Most patients will wake within half an hour of the operation finishing. Pain is controlled with medication. A splint is often taped to the nose with some soft silicone splints inside the nostrils. It is likely you will be ready to go home the same day or the next day.
Expect to have a quiet time at home for the first week with no heavy lifting or strenuous work. It is likely you will need two weeks off work, and during the first two weeks you will need help with shopping, housework and care of small children and pets. You will not be able to drive for at least the first week and then only for short journeys.
After the rhinoplasty is completed, Dr Kernohan will place a splint on your nose. It will help your nose retain the shape that will allow it to heal. In some cases, the surgeon will place a nasal pack or splint inside your nose in order to stabilise the septum (the part of the nose between your nostrils).
You will be thoroughly monitored in a recovery room for a couple of hours post-surgery. If everything is fine, you’ll be asked to go home. In certain cases, the doctor might ask you to stay in a hospital for a couple of days. You won’t be able to drive yourself home. So make sure you arrange for someone in advance.
In order to reduce swelling and bleeding, you’ll be asked to keep your head elevated while resting. You might feel congested as your nose will be quite swollen and packed with cotton. Most people will be asked to leave splints/dressings in place for at least a week post the procedure. In the case of absorbable stitches, they’ll dissolve on their own. If the stitches are absorbable, you’ll be required to see your doctor again in a matter of one week.
It is best to have some help during the first-week post-surgery. You can ask a family or a friend to stay with you for the first few days. Memory lapses, slow reaction and impaired judgement are some of the most common side effects of the surgery.
You will need to see your surgical team approximately 7 days after surgery. Once all the wounds are healed it is likely the surgeon will want to see you at about three to six months after your surgery.
You will experience drainage and bleeding post-surgery. Dr Kernohan will tape a drip pad to your nose that will collect the blood and mucus. Dr Kernohan will also give you clear instructions on how often you need to change your drip pad.
Your face will also be quite swollen after surgery, and you will likely experience headaches. You will also have discolouration around your nose for quite some time. Make sure to avoid the following activities post-surgery:
- Running and jogging
- Strenuous physical activities
- Swimming
- Blowing your nose
- Chewing excessively
- Making facial expressions
- Pulling clothes over your head
- Wearing eyeglasses
- Vigorous teeth brush
- Excessive sun exposure
During the recovery process, apply a cold compress and ice packs to reduce discolouration and swelling. Follow-up care is very important post-surgery. Make sure to go for follow-up appointments and stick to the instructions of your surgeon.
Longer Term Recovery
Light recreational activities such as walking and light exercise can usually be started after two to three weeks, gradually building up to more strenuous workouts after four to six weeks.
Generally, patients will go back to office or desk work within a week’s time frame. The procedure can also impact the area around your eyes. Expect to have some numbness, discolouration, and slight swelling. These effects will fade away in a couple of weeks. Some minor swelling can linger around for at least six months.
You should be able to return to active work after two to three weeks depending upon how strenuous your work is.
Rhinoplasty is a big operation and when returning to work it is very common to feel tired. This can continue for up to three months.
The initial swelling and bruising of the nose and cheeks after the operation usually fades within about three months.
The shape of the nose continues to change over the first year as the healing process progresses.
What can I expect after the procedure?
Bleeding or increasing pain, redness, or fever. If in doubt – ask your surgeon or local hospital if you are concerned.
When should I return to the hospital for a follow-up appointment?
When you are discharged from hospital you will be given an appointment to be seen by the surgeon or nurse.
Avoiding The Risks of Rhinoplasty
All surgery has risks and are considered in two categories – generalised risks common to most procedures and specific additional risks for a rhinoplasty. Dr Kernohan will cover your risks during the consultation and in your informed consent document. Read Dr Kernohan’s risks of surgery page for more information.
Rhinoplasty Price & Costs – How much is a Rhinoplasty in Sydney?
Each patient is different and you will get a customised quote after a consultation with Dr Kernohan. For an estimate of the price of rhinoplasty surgery please contact the clinic. Also, check out the prices and fees page.
How much is a Rhinoplasty in Australia?
Typically in Australia, a Rhinoplasty will cost between $8,000 and $25,000 AUD. It is best to get a quote from your surgeon, discuss your options and then start saving.
Funding Your Rhinoplasty
How do I get a Rhinoplasty with Medicare?
- You will only be eligible for cover from Medicare if surgery is deemed medically necessary.
ls rhinoplasty covered by Medicare?
- Medicare will only cover Rhinoplasty when it is deemed as a medical necessity. The procedure will not be covered by Medicare if you are getting it done for purely aesthetic or cosmetic reasons. You must meet the strict medicare criteria.
How to find the Right Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Sydney
Make a list of experienced, qualified specialist plastic surgeons or ENT nose surgeons.
Always ask other medical professionals you trust and look at before & after photos of past patients.
Rhinoplasty FAQs
Here is a list of frequently asked questions regarding Rhinoplasty:
Your Rhinoplasty consultation with Dr Kernohan
Ensure your consultation is with an accredited plastic surgeon who is registered with AHPRA as a specialist in plastic surgery.
Expect your surgeon to ask you about your general health, what symptoms you suffer from and what concerns you have about your nose. Your surgeon will examine your nose internally and externally.
If, after careful assessment, you are suitable for rhinoplasty surgery expect to discuss the type of surgery, principles of the operation, likely outcomes and potential risks of surgery.
You must have more than one consultation. It is difficult to take on board all the information at just one consultation, and it is important that you have time to think about the information you have heard and a chance to ask any questions.
Key points to discuss at your consultation include:
- Your expectations and the expected outcomes of surgery
- The benefits to you of the surgery
- Any risks, complications or limitations