Volume dissolving treatments with Hyalase by Dr Kernohan Plastic Surgeon
In some cases, volumising treatments may not achieve the desired results or can lead to unexpected effects. If this occurs, a volumiser-dissolving treatment can help alleviate these concerns.
If you experience complications from volumising treatments, you can consult Dr Michael Kernohan, a specialist plastic surgeon with extensive experience in addressing such issues. Dr. Kernohan offers consultations to discuss your options for dissolving the effects of volumising treatments with Hyalase, along with other non-surgical procedures, at his 5 clinics across Sydney and the Southern Highlands.
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When do you need a Volume dissolving treatment?
When might you consider a dissolving treatment?
There are certain situations where a dissolving treatment may be needed to address concerns with previous volumising treatments. These include:
- The treatment spreading to unintended areas
- Formation of lumps near the treated area
- Uneven results after treatment
- Swelling or other reactions in the treated area
- Excessive volume in the treated area
- Signs of infection following the treatment
Dr Kernohan offers consultations to discuss your options for addressing these concerns in his clinics across Sydney and the Southern Highlands.
What is the dissolving treatment procedure?
The dissolving treatment involves the use of hyaluronidase, an enzyme, to address areas where volumising treatments have been applied. The procedure typically takes up to 10 minutes.
Dr Michael Kernohan will use between 1 to 4 doses of Hyalase, depending on the area and treatment required, to address concerns related to previous treatments.
What is Hyalase?
Hyalase is a treatment containing hyaluronidase, an enzyme that helps break down hyaluronic acid which is used in volumising treatments. The desired results may take up to 2 weeks to appear, and in some cases, the procedure may need to be repeated. Following the treatment, you may experience mild redness or swelling in the treated area.
It is important that the appropriate amount of Hyalase is used to avoid any potential risks of overuse, as this could affect a larger area than intended.
How does Hyalase treatment work?
During a Hyalase treatment, Dr Kernohan may perform a skin patch test to check suitability. If required, he may apply a topical anaesthetic to make the procedure more tolerable. Hyalase is then applied to the treated areas.
A follow-up appointment is recommended two weeks after the procedure to assess the results. In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary. Dr Kernohan will discuss whether further sessions are needed based on your individual needs.
Good candidates for Hyalase treatment
To determine whether Hyalase treatment is suitable for you, Dr. Kernohan may perform a skin patch test. This test is conducted approximately 20 minutes before the procedure. A small amount of Hyalase is applied to the skin to assess if there is any reaction. If the test shows a positive result, indicating an adverse reaction, you may not be suitable for Hyalase treatment. If the test is negative, Dr. Kernohan can proceed with using Hyalase to address concerns related to previous volumising treatments.
In general, patients who have had volumising treatments and wish to address undesired results may be suitable candidates for this treatment.
Common areas for treatment
Hyalase treatment can be used to address concerns in various areas of the face, including:
- Tear troughs
- Temples
- Chin
- Nose
- Cheeks
- Lips area
Why might you need a dissolving procedure?
In some cases, the results of a volumising treatment may not meet expectations. You might consider dissolving the results of treatment if it has spread to other areas, there is an asymmetrical result, there is an excess of volume or if the results do not meet expectations. Hyalase treatment can help address these concerns.
Potential Complications after Volume dissolving treatment
You may see some adverse effects after the Hyalase treatment, such as:
- Swelling
- Redness and erythema
- Pain
- Bruising
- Tenderness
- Itching
Results after Volume Dissolving Treatment
After the Hyalase treatment, you may notice some initial changes, with more noticeable results typically seen within 24 to 48 hours.
What are the precautions before the treatment?
- You should avoid taking medications, fish oil, vitamin E, and vitamin C one week before the treatment. All these things can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.
- If you are taking any kind of medicine, you should tell Dr Kernohan, so he can determine if they will interfere with treatment.
- You should avoid Wrinkle treatments at least 48 hours before and after the Hyalase treatment
After treatment, you can resume your daily routine. However, there is some post-treatment advice Dr Kernohan will give you, which may include:
- Using ice packs to help reduce swelling and inflammation
- Taking painkillers if you experience pain in the treated area
- Not touching your face or applying makeup for at least 6 hours. This helps prevent the treated area from infections.