Plastic Surgery for Men in Sydney

Guide to Male Plastic Surgery in Sydney

In the last few decades, more and more men are seeking cosmetic procedures. This change reflects a broader cultural acceptance and understanding that cosmetic modifications are not just for women. Men from all walks of life and ages are considering plastic surgery to alter their appearance, tackle age-related changes, or even address specific physical concerns. The motivations behind such decisions are as diverse as the individuals themselves. Moreover, the advancements in surgical techniques have made procedures safer, with shorter recovery times and more natural-looking results.

Sydney Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Michael Kernohan is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide array of plastic surgery procedures tailored specifically for men.

In personal care and aesthetics, there are several procedures that have gained popularity among men seeking to alter their appearance. These treatments, designed to address various concerns, range from minimally invasive options to more complex surgical interventions. Below are some of the most sought-after plastic surgery procedures for men:


Liposuction for men is increasingly sought after to tackle stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Common areas include the abdomen, flanks (love handles), and chest, often contributing to a more athletic and toned body contour. This procedure is particularly appealing for men looking to enhance muscle definition. The technique involves the removal of fat through a small incision, using a cannula and vacuum. Post-surgery, patients can see significant changes in their body shape.

Download Dr Kernohan’s Liposuction Guide

Guide Liposuction

Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)

Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, is a surgical procedure that adjusts the nose’s size, shape, or proportions. Men often seek rhinoplasty to correct a wide range of concerns, from aesthetic issues like bumps on the nasal bridge to functional problems such as breathing difficulties. By customising the procedure to the individual’s facial structure and aesthetic goals, Dr Kernohan can achieve results that look natural and proportionate.

Download Dr Kernohan’s Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery Guide

Guide Rhinoplasty

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, addresses ageing signs around the eyes, such as drooping eyelids and under-eye bags, which can make individuals appear tired or older than they are. This procedure involves removing or repositioning excess skin and fat around the eyelids to create a more alert appearance.

Download Dr Kernohan’s Blepharoplasty Surgery Guide

Guide Blepharoplasty

Gynaecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynaecomastia surgery addresses the condition of enlarged breasts in men, caused by excess fat and glandular tissue. This procedure can significantly change a man’s chest appearance, creating a flatter contour. The surgery involves liposuction and/or excision techniques to remove the excess tissue, resulting in altered body proportions.

Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, targets signs of ageing by removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissues, and repositioning the skin on the face and neck. Men undergo facelifts to address wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation enhances or reshapes the chin to improve facial balance and profile. For men, a strong chin can define facial aesthetics. This procedure can be achieved through implants or by reshaping the bone, offering substantial changes in the facial structure. Chin augmentation is often sought by men who have a receding chin, providing a more pronounced and balanced facial feature.

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

Otoplasty, or ear surgery, is performed to reduce the size or protrusion of the ears, addressing concerns over ears that “stick out” too much. By reshaping or repositioning the ears closer to the head, otoplasty offers a permanent solution to ear concerns.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles to create a firmer, flatter stomach area. This procedure is recommended for men who have experienced significant weight loss and are left with loose skin or for those who struggle with a protruding abdomen that does not improve with exercise. A tummy tuck – abdominoplasty can alter the abdominal profile.

Download Dr Kernohan’s Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Surgery Guide

Abdominoplasty Surgery Guide

Neuromodulator Injections and Fillers

Fillers and Neuromodulator injections are minimally invasive treatments that address facial volume loss along with fine lines and wrinkles. They offer a change in appearance with minimal downtime. Neuromodulator injections temporarily relax facial muscles to smooth out wrinkles, while fillers add volume to areas like the cheeks, jawline, and under the eyes. These treatments are popular among men who wish to alter their appearance without the commitment or recovery time of surgery.

Download Dr Kernohan’s Cosmetic Injectables Guide

Guide Cosmetic Injectables

Neck Lift

A neck lift tightens loose skin and removes excess fat around the neck area, addressing signs of ageing and improving jawline definition. This procedure is recommended for men concerned with sagging skin at the neck level.

What to Expect During Consultation for Plastic Surgery for Men

When you are considering plastic surgery, the consultation process is a fundamental step in ensuring that your expectations align with what can be realistically achieved through surgical intervention. This initial meeting with your plastic surgeon allows both parties to discuss goals, potential procedures, and any concerns you might have. Here is what you should anticipate and how to prepare:

Preparing for Your First Consultation

  • Gather a comprehensive history of your medical background, including any previous surgeries, current medications, and overall health status
  • Think carefully about what you hope to achieve with plastic surgery. Photos of desired outcomes can be helpful for visual reference
  • Be ready to discuss your lifestyle, including diet, exercise habits, and tobacco or alcohol use, as these can affect both your suitability for surgery and recovery

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

  • Inquire about your surgeon’s qualifications, experience in the procedures you are considering
  • Request before-and-after photos of previous patients who have undergone the same procedure
  • Discuss the specifics of the proposed procedure, including the technique, the type of anaesthesia required, and the location of the operation
  • Ask about the recovery process, including typical timeframes, any necessary aftercare, and when you can resume normal activities
  • Understand the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure and how your surgeon addresses these should they occur
  • Discuss the costs involved, including your surgeon fees, anaesthesia, facility fees, and any additional expenses that might arise

This preparation and set of questions are designed to ensure that you are well informed about the significant aspects of plastic surgery, enabling you to make an educated decision. It’s essential to have clear communication with your plastic surgeon to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Recovery after Plastic Surgery for Men

Recovery from male plastic surgery is a critical phase that demands attention and care to ensure the best possible outcomes. Following surgery, you’ll embark on a journey towards healing. It’s essential to understand that each individual’s recovery experience is unique, and the time it takes to recover fully can vary depending on the type of surgery undergone. Here are some points to guide you through this period:

  • Adherence to post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon is essential for a smooth recovery. These guidelines are tailored to your specific procedure and are designed to minimise the risk of complications
  • Rest is a fundamental component of the recovery process. Allow your body the time it needs to heal properly by taking a break from strenuous activities and work. Listening to your body and not rushing back into your normal routine too quickly is important
  • Managing discomfort is a part of the recovery process. Pain relief medication prescribed by Dr Kernohan should be taken as directed to help manage any discomfort you may experience
  • Keeping all follow-up appointments with your surgeon ensures that your recovery is on track. These appointments allow for the monitoring of your healing progress and the prompt addressing of any concerns that may arise
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and adequate hydration supports the body’s healing process. Nutritious food can aid in recovery while staying hydrated helps to flush toxins from your body
  • Be prepared for a gradual return to physical activities. Dr Kernohan will advise when it’s safe to resume exercise and other strenuous activities, ensuring that your body is sufficiently healed to avoid any setbacks

Complications and Risks of Plastic Surgery for Men

Complications and risks are inherent in any surgical procedure, including plastic surgery for men. While modern techniques can reduce these risks, it’s essential for you to be fully informed about potential complications before proceeding. Awareness and understanding can help in making an informed decision and preparing for a smooth recovery process. Here are some points regarding the complications and risks associated with plastic surgery for men:

  • Infection is a risk associated with any surgery. Sterile techniques and post-operative care are critical in preventing infection, but should one occur, it may require antibiotics or additional treatment
  • Scarring is an inevitable outcome of surgery, though its visibility varies
  • Bleeding or haematoma (a collection of blood outside blood vessels) can occur, especially in the initial days post-surgery. While minor bleeding is common, significant bleeding may necessitate further intervention
  • Changes in sensation in the operated area, including numbness or increased sensitivity, are possible. These changes are often temporary but can be permanent in some cases
  • Asymmetry or unsatisfactory aesthetic results may occur, necessitating further surgery to adjust or correct the outcome
  • Anaesthetic risks are present with any surgery requiring general anaesthesia or sedation. These risks, although low, can include allergic reactions or adverse effects on the heart and lungs
  • Swelling and bruising are common and expected parts of the recovery process. While these effects typically diminish over time, prolonged or excessive swelling might need to be evaluated
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism are rare but serious complications where blood clots form, potentially leading to life-threatening conditions

Understanding these risks and discussing them thoroughly with Dr Kernohan can help mitigate potential complications. Following pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully plays a crucial role in your recovery and the success of your surgery.

Costs of Plastic Surgery for Men

Understanding the costs involved in male plastic surgery requires an evaluation of various factors that contribute to the overall financial commitment. It’s essential to have a clear picture of the expenses to make an informed decision and plan accordingly.

  • Breakdown of expenses: The total cost of plastic surgery includes several components beyond your surgeon’s fee. These include the anaesthesia fee, hospital or facility charges, medical tests, post-surgery garments, and any necessary aftercare. Additionally, the complexity of the procedure and your surgeon’s expertise can influence the overall cost. It’s advisable to request a detailed quote during your consultation to understand each expense component
  • Financing options and payment plans: Some clinics offer financing options and flexible payment plans to make procedures more accessible. These plans can vary widely, from interest-free periods to extended payment terms, allowing you to spread the cost over time. Exploring these options with your clinic’s finance department can help you find a solution that fits your budget. Furthermore, some third-party companies specialise in medical finance, offering loans specifically designed for healthcare and cosmetic procedures

FAQs about Plastic Surgery for Men


What are the most common plastic surgery procedures for men?

  • The most frequently sought-after plastic surgeries among men include liposuction, to remove unwanted fat; rhinoplasty, for nose reshaping; blepharoplasty, to correct eyelid issues; gynaecomastia surgery, for reducing breast size; and hair transplantation, to address hair loss. These procedures aim to alter physical appearance and address specific areas of concern.

How long is the recovery period after male plastic surgery?

  • The recovery time varies significantly depending on the type and extent of the surgery performed. Minor procedures might require only a few days of downtime, while more extensive surgeries could necessitate several weeks for a full recovery. It is critical to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely to ensure a smooth and effective healing process.

Are the results of plastic surgery for men permanent?

  • While many plastic surgery results are designed to be long-lasting, it’s important to note that no procedure can stop the natural ageing process. Factors such as lifestyle, diet, and genetics play a role in maintaining the results. For instance, the outcomes of liposuction can be enduring if you maintain a stable weight, but significant weight gain can alter the effects.

Can men combine different plastic surgeries in one session?

  • Yes, it’s possible to combine certain procedures in a single session, which can minimise overall recovery time and costs. Common combinations include liposuction with gynaecomastia surgery or a facelift with eyelid surgery. However, the feasibility of combining surgeries depends on your overall health, the complexity of the procedures, and your surgeon’s recommendation. A thorough consultation is necessary to determine the best approach for your needs and goals.

Further Reading about Plastic Surgery for Men

Medical References about Plastic Surgery for Men